Hope everyone had a great summer. Know you are looking forward to cooler temperatures, as we are. At The Rosevine Inn Bed and Breakfast and Extended Stay Suites we love to burn our fireplace in the courtyard-but we have to get that cooler temp first! Did everyone get to see the first solar eclipse of this century? Hope so! We have had some great rainfall, so everything in East Texas is green and lush. Come visit us and enjoy. Some of the fun things to do while you are here is in this blog.
We always try to mention a great shopping venue that has been around for over a century. That is Canton First Monday Trade Days! Always lots to do and see. Find treasures, art, knick knacks, furniture, decorating ideas and pieces, etc.etc. And, oh don’t forget the food-like going to the fair every month! Located only 30 short minutes from the Inn. Come back here after your shopping spree and relax and unwind. The next shopping weekend is August 31- September 3!!
That is Labor Day weekend, too! Another reason and opportunity to come to Tyler for a long and relaxing weekend. We have great music every weekend at lots of venues. So make that reservation today www.rosevine.com
On September 2 There is a FREE Star Party at the planetarium on the Tyler Junior College campus! A live presentation in CESSE’s 40-ft dome! CESSE is Center for Earth and Space Science Education ! Learn all about the stars,the planets, and cool constellations as you take a tour of the night sky and travel to distant universes. There will be a TJC astronomy professor with telescopes set up outside for you to gaze at astronomical objects in the sky! All this starts at 8 PM and goes until 10PM.
Date & Time Sunday, September 03, 2017 @ 07:00 pm
An evening of comedy and giving at Liberty Hall Tyler , TX
Friends Giving Back presents, “Laugh Beat,” an evening of comedy to benefit The American Heart Association. Comedians performing will be Mike Merrill, DC Ervin, Key Lewis and Dwayne Perkins.
The festival will take place in downtown Lindale at the New Cannery Development. The event will be from 4 PM to midnight on September 8th; from 11 AM to midnight on September 9th; and will end with Texas Music Sunday from 12 noon to 7pm on September 10th. For more info click here! www.visitlindale.com
Friday, September 08, 2017 @ 07:30 pm Liberty Hall Tyler
Don’t miss this Tribute to Sinatra is an exciting and nostalgic journey through many of the most celebrated songs of the Great American Songbook. You will experience an unforgettable show – brilliantly performed by nationally renowned tribute artist Dave Halston.
AASH – Arcadia Art Sow is an annual international juired fine art show featuring painting, drawing, sculpture, photography and print-making. how will open September 9th 2017 and will be on view until January 12th 2018. The show can be seen at the best decorated law office in downtown TylerArcadia Theater
Martin Walker P.C. downtown Tyler, Tx
121 N. Spring Ave, Tyler, TX 75702
Sunday, September 10, 2017 @ 04:00 pm First Presbyterian Church Sanctuary 230 W. Rusk St. Tyler , TX FREE ADMISSION
Following a summer concert tour of England, Scotland, Germany and Lithuania, First Presbyterian Church’s new Director of Music and Organist, Weston Jennings, will perform works that draw upon the full resources of FPC’s superb pipe organ. With music composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonio Vivaldi, American composer Craig Phillips, and others, alongside unique and charming commentary, this afternoon promises to entertain.
September 9! Downtown businesses and attractions (around the square and off the square) will be bursting with things to do the second Saturday of every month.PARKING IS FREE in the parking garage and on the square. Also, there will be a FREE hop on/hop off shuttle that will take you around Downtown starting at 2pm.
Sunday, September 17, 2017 @ 07:00 pm the Great cellist Yo-Yo Ma will be at the UT Cowan Center with The East Texas Symphony Orchestra. For Tickets and more information click here http://www.etso.org
Saturday, September 23, 2017 Rose Rudman Recreation Park, Tyler, TX
Schedule of Events: 8:00am – Kids 50 yard dash 9:00am – Chip-timed 5K 9:15am – 5K Fun Run 9:30am – Awards, prizes This run is a benefit! Imagine hearing the words, “Your child has cancer.” for more info click here https://www.tylergoldrun.com/ Then on the same day!!!
Run the Piney Woods Ultra at
Tyler State Park, Tyler Texas 5k, 10k, 25k, 50k, and 100k September 23, 2017
Eco Region: Forest Wind through deep green pine forests on rooty single track while chasing deer and other wildlife. Enjoy the dizzying and majestic pine canopy above as you are shaded on your adventure. click here for more infohttp://www.ultraexpeditions.com/thepineywoodsultra
Well this is just a few of the events going on in our area the next month or so! Check back soon to get the next update-Fall will arrive before we know it and with that is the great East Texas Fair, The next Canton Trade Days-fires will start
burning again at The Rosevine Inn Bed and Breakfast and Extended Stay Suites along with some great wine and discussion in the famous treehouse behind the barn!! We will be serving fabulous breakfasts and providing discussions you will enjoy!
So Until next Time Innkeeper Becca signing off